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Renaissance English History Podcast
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Renaissance English History Podcast
Renaissance English History Podcast
The Field of Cloth of Gold is one of the most famous foreign policy events in Henry VIII’s reign, and it has stayed with us in part because of its amazing pageantry. Glenn Richardson is a professor of Early Modern History at St Mary’s University Twickenham London, and wrote a great study of the Field in 2013. I interview him about the logistics with setting up the event, the tournament, and why we should study it. The Field of Cloth of Gold is one of the most famous foreign policy events in Henry VIII’s reign, and it has stayed with us in part because of its amazing pageantry. Glenn Richardson is a professor of Early Modern History at St Mary’s University Twickenham London, and wrote a great study of the Field in 2013. I interview him about the logistics with setting up the event, the tournament, and why we should study it. Source: